Someone at work sent a few 'questions' around, so I thought I'd put my own comments -'answers'? (too strong a word) - against these. I give you the link to 'top questions for those who believe in the theory of evolution'. Should I give the link to anyone else?
There are those also of an agnostic disposition, who believe there are simply too many 'models' that can explain the origination and perpetuity of existence in all its configurations.
If there are an infinite amount of variables, then the models, simply cannot be conceived - or finally proved.
'understanding' is dependent on the subset you exist in and the configuration of how you can perceive it.
(See Carl Sagan's 2 dimensional man)
If there are multiverses (how to substantiate?) are they there to throw up different outcomes?
Are we part of inconceivable Virtual Machines testing for inconceivable end states.
It is unlikely any individual, or our entire species will be around to find out.......
sorry JB flamed your blog with my inconsequential mutterings.....
It's hard to see things objectively when we always have a (human eyes & human brain) point of view, a bit like trying to read the page we are stuck on in our 'flatland' (still keep meaning to read that book!) Yet the fact that we may not achieve an ultimate truth or perspective (there is no God's-eye view) doesn't mean that scientific truths aren't true, aren't waypoints on that trail. As someone said, Relativity can contain Newtonian mechanics but not vice-versa. Both work, but one works better - a natural selection of theories means the fittest theories survive in our brains and textbooks. Generally, science progresses and we see this all around us every day.
Anyway, remember another consequence of scepticism: it is uncertain that everything is uncertain :) And yet even in those areas of out life in which we are most certain, a lovely quote which I read today applies (long live scepticism!):
“When we believe with every fibre of our being that we have reached the truth, we must know that we believe, and not believe that we know.” –Jules Lequier
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