White Hair, a Cowgirl and Darla

Look what Bex pulled out of my head today, look at the size of it! Is it the first of many? Life isn't fair - not only will my hair not stay in my head, even the ones that stay are surrendering their colour - the traitors! Let that be a lesson to you remaining hairs - keep your colour or you'll join your long and gone friend: you know what I did with him after I took the photograph? You'll find out if you white out on me....
Anyway, Joni went to a barn dance (barndance?) yesterday, and Becky took some cameraphone video of her doing all the moves with the grown ups, isn't she good? She slept in until after nine this morning, she was so tired. She said the best dance was the okey-dokey-dokey (you know the one - left leg in, left leg out... ;-) There's that video below and another one here.
Ed's getting cleverer and clevererer all the time, I hesitate to say that he's spoken his first words, but I think he has, kinda sorta. The first thing he ever sorta said was about a Month ago now (damn my too busy life - why didn't I write about it then?) : me and Becky would say "UH-oh" (high UH, low oh - you know what I mean) if he did something naughty, well, we were all sitting at the table when he threw some food to the floor - I said the above and he immediately hummed "MM-mmmmm" , in pitch perfect duplication of my "UH-oh"! So first the humming, then the talking. For a few weeks now whenever he's given us something he says "dare" (there), and he's almost saying "ta" when we give him something back. Today he shouted "Darla" to Becky, and he was mimicking me calling her darling! It's so funny because Joni used to call Bex "babe" for the same reason. I wonder whether I've gone from calling Bex babe to calling her darling: is it a sign of a more mature stage in the marriage? ;-) Ed's also so close to walking - he walks around furniture so easily you can tell he doesn't really need it to be there, he's even taken a couple of unconfident steps into the void of nofurnitureness before flopping to the ground (he did today actually). So I hope to have some video of baby Edward walking soon! We just wonder what unbounded mischief he'll get up to when he does start walking - within days of crawling up his first stair we found him upstairs (that's two flights) playing in Joni's room!! UH-oh....
Labels: barn dance, darla, edward, joni, white hair
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