Sunday, November 26, 2006

Google Earthed!

Google updated their satellite imagery on Friday to include the whole county where I live, Cleveland in the UK. This is great - I can zoom right in to the roof of my house, even see my car parked on the road outside! I think the imagery is from some time between November 2005 and March 2006. Anyway, short blog, but if you haven't got it grab Google Earth (it's fabarooney) and check out some highlights (courtesy of me) of Cleveland (and to be honest, the surrounding districts of Middlesbrough, Stockton, Darlington, Hartlepool and Scarborough). These are just some things I noticed, and a lot of them are highlights of the imagery rather than things you'd actually want to go and see (e.g. it's interesting to see roadworks or a train from space). I haven't marked any big areas, like "The North Sea" or "The North Yorkshire Moors" but I think they do stand out, it's great to see the waves lapping the shores along the Cleveland (Cliff-land) coast, and the moors are just amazingly empty and blandly beautiful. Let me know if you see anything interesting (send me a .kmz/.kml file or just description/ coordinates) and I'll add it to the map.


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