Well, I never thought the day would come when I would devote a blog to ringtones! The fact is, I was playing around with my phone and with some of the software that came with the data lead I got for it, and it dawned on me that I could basically upload any midi file to the phone and use that as a ringtone- I know I'm about four years behind everyone else here, but that's how long it takes for my wallet to catch up with technology: don't blame me, it's my money that lets me down!
So I got to thinking about what would be an original tune to have as a ringtone, you know, something that probably no one else had, that was on the net and that I could grab for free. Well lo and behold, a few Months ago I got hold of and got into "The well-tempered synthesizer" by Wendy Carlos (who also did "Switched on Bach"), I mean I REALLY got into it (when I get into something I usually REALLY do) - and especially the pieces by Scarlatti, they just blew me away, and I didn't tire of playing them over and over, though I think Bex got tired of hearing them! I just couldn't (and can't) get my head around the fact that these pieces were written 300 years ago, they sound so modern to my (perhaps untrained) ears, some of the techniques and progressions he uses I've never heard anything like outside of works from this and the 20th century, I wonder did he "invent" them? My musical illiteracy is shining through here! Anyway, I was amazed to find that John Sankey has recorded all 555 sonatas for Harpsichord that Scarlatti composed, available to download in one incredibly small zip file! My favourite from the album and my current ringtone is his K455, but check out K096, K491 and K531 too, they're all great.
Brian passed his driving test today! And yes that does mean, you jealous Americano's, that he can drive till he's older than Homer Simpsons Dad (how old is he anyway?) or until Death, which is more likely to happen first. Happy driving Bri! Staying with the theme of cars, hence no new paragraph, here's some photo's of Joni we took today en-route to feed the ducks at Great Ayton: isn't she looking older? She's 2 a week on Monday, I can't believe it!

So I got to thinking about what would be an original tune to have as a ringtone, you know, something that probably no one else had, that was on the net and that I could grab for free. Well lo and behold, a few Months ago I got hold of and got into "The well-tempered synthesizer" by Wendy Carlos (who also did "Switched on Bach"), I mean I REALLY got into it (when I get into something I usually REALLY do) - and especially the pieces by Scarlatti, they just blew me away, and I didn't tire of playing them over and over, though I think Bex got tired of hearing them! I just couldn't (and can't) get my head around the fact that these pieces were written 300 years ago, they sound so modern to my (perhaps untrained) ears, some of the techniques and progressions he uses I've never heard anything like outside of works from this and the 20th century, I wonder did he "invent" them? My musical illiteracy is shining through here! Anyway, I was amazed to find that John Sankey has recorded all 555 sonatas for Harpsichord that Scarlatti composed, available to download in one incredibly small zip file! My favourite from the album and my current ringtone is his K455, but check out K096, K491 and K531 too, they're all great.
Brian passed his driving test today! And yes that does mean, you jealous Americano's, that he can drive till he's older than Homer Simpsons Dad (how old is he anyway?) or until Death, which is more likely to happen first. Happy driving Bri! Staying with the theme of cars, hence no new paragraph, here's some photo's of Joni we took today en-route to feed the ducks at Great Ayton: isn't she looking older? She's 2 a week on Monday, I can't believe it!

Isnt it funny how one day you can just look at them in a certain way and think "where did my baby go?" I am doing that with Emma now, she is talking so much and just doing "big girl" things. I have to keep reminding myself what it was those sleepless newborn nights were like so I dont start wanting another one. OH MY!! That is a scarey thought!!
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