Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Joni's been making us laugh again.

Bex told me that the other morning after we had all eaten breakfast (I had just left the room), Joni asked her for a "biscuit!", well as you can see it was more of a demand really...anyway, you know the motherly drill "No Joni, you've just had your breakfast," etc etc. Well, Joni seemed to take that fine, and she started to stack the breakfast things- the plates, then the cups- on top of each other, tidying up for mummy. When she had finished she said "Coffee, all done!" and Bex (surprised?) "Thank you Joni!". Whereupon Joni, meekly, asks "...biscuit?"

Not so funny, but it made me laugh, how when Becky (again I miss out) went to the petrol station today Joni asked her on getting back into the car whether she had any "sweeties?" as we sometimes do buy sweets with our petrol (a wonderful combination). Becky told her no, but that she could have some when they got to Redcar, where they were headed. When Becky got to Redcar she told Joni "here we are in Redcar" and Joni with a flash of understanding shouts "sweeties!"


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