Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Drowning... the most unbelievable amount of work from Uni. The "group project" is especially difficult, but huge also, and after just losing Peter (he bailed out!) unfortunately I'm left in a group which comprises two very weak (but hardworking) programmers, and myself. Does that sound boastful? Very well then! It's just that I'm sick of working my ass off for other people, only to then share equally in the credit with them. Oh well. I feel like I've just entered the tunnel on this project, and the deadline is only three weeks away- I hope the light at the end of the tunnel is only three weeks down the tracks, at the moment I can't see it....

Found (at last!) someone with an online version of "Breakfast of Champions" so I've copied my favourite quote from it below. Enjoy.

"Trout wrote a novel one time which he called How You Doin’? and it was about national averages for this and that. An advertising agency on another planet had a successful campaign for the local equivalentof Earthling peanut butter. The eye-catching part of each ad was the statement of some sort of average—the average number of children,the average size of the male sex organ on that particular planet—which was two inches long, with an inside diameter of three inches and an outside diameter of four and a quarter inches—and so on. The ads invited the readers to discover whether they were superior or inferior to the majority, in this respect or that one—whatever the respect was for that particular ad.

The ad went on to say that superior and inferior people alike ate such and such brand of peanut butter. Except that it wasn’t really peanutbutter on that planet. It was Shazzbutter.

And so on.

And the peanut butter-eaters on earth were preparing to conquer the shazzbutter-eaters on the planet in the book by Kilgore Trout. By this time, the Earthlings hadn’t just demolished West Virginia and Southeast Asia. They had demolished everything. So they were ready to go pioneering again.

They studied the shazzbutter-eaters by means of electronic snooping,and determined that they were too numerous and proud and resourceful ever to allow themselves to be pioneered. So the Earthlings infiltrated the ad agency which had the shazzbutter account, and they buggered the statistics in the ads. They made the average for everything so high that everybody on the planet felt inferior to the majority in every respect.

And then the Earthling armored space ships came in and discovered the planet. Only token resistance was offered here and there, because the natives felt so below average. And then the pioneering began."


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