Monday, December 13, 2004


Today I felt like how a balloon must feel the day after a wedding. I can't work out why, I didn't do anything strenuous or exciting yesterday. I couldn't bring myself to do any work for Uni whatsoever. I had Joni this morning whilst Bex went to work (Citizens Advice). That was fun! This evening we didn't have a film to watch so we listened to the first two "Great Ideas of Philosophy" (TTC) lectures, and they were very interesting. The lecturers (Daniel Robinson's) view on why the Greeks seemed to have "invented" Philosophy was enlightening: it wasn't their diet (lots of fish!) or the climate (lots of sun!) or even their ennui (lots of time on their hands with their slaves doing their work!); no, but he ascribes it (and I agree with him) to the lack of a state "religion", and (related to this) that though the Greeks were religious, they did not hold questions on human matters (what is the purpose of Life for example) to be in the domain of the "priest", they did not hold that somebody or something else decided these things FOR them. I was struck by this because it's certainly the case that the purest search for Truth (at any cost) can only come (in my experience) when you allow no-one to decide on these things for you, however much easier this may be on your mind and your time! I thought we'd start on these lectures because my friend Brian said they're the best he's heard (by TTC) so far. Found some great forums for debating the big issues such as those addressed by Philosophy at and (huge)


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