Like any other child her age, Joni hates bedtime, so she drags the whole "going to bed" process out as long as possible. One thing she does is make you kiss all her dollies and teddies before she'll go to bed (she brings you them all to kiss), and if you look at the photo below, you'll see that this isn't a quick affair! Joni really does sleep in her bed with at least nine or ten of her cuddly friends every night, I wonder how she manages to fit in at all, and we always dread her getting a new teddy/doll, because she'll want it in bed with her too! She's my baby though, she's so good. We told her today that Mummy had another baby in her belly, and Joni pointed at Becky's mouth and said "in there?" - I wonder if she thought Becky had eaten a baby, well, how else could it get in her belly?! ;-) Here she is all tucked in, pointing for me to go away (embarrassed of me taking a photo of her I think...)

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