Sunday, February 06, 2005

Old Dog, has learned new tricks, seeks placement...

I haven't been selected for interview for the Corus/Dupont/James Cook Hospital jobs. Do employers expect, that is do they like, or even require (in an unwritten rule kind of way) their placements to be the (typical and average) young, just done his A-levels type o' guy? So I have an extra ten years under my belt-so what! Where's the equal opportunity legislation stand in all of this? Anyways, I'm feeling slightly deflated, and I'm wondering whether all my hard work is perhaps going to be in vain, seeing as this old dog is up against all these young, albeit less qualified, pups.

It's a galling coincidence that yesterday I received my HND certificate, and certificates of citation for achieving the best HND in the school last year. Perhaps I'll add copies of these to my CV? Nah. Maybe I'll change the D.O.B. section, that should give me a better chance.


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