I had a strange thought on the Bus recently, that WE (humans) had to explain the purpose of life to God, and not the other way round. That's part of the reason we were created: to exist as a huge experiment in creation, and in living a finite life. I felt (strangely) that possibly God found himself in the same situation we are in, that he is a created being and has a finite (but very long) life. I know this goes against the Bible and what most people believe, and it's only a thought, and I'm not getting into those chicken-and-egg arguments over who created God (these questions have an infinite answer like the size of space: we can't grasp the answer but accept it)- but imagine God doesn't really know the reason to existence any more than we do, and this planet, or universe, is Gods way of getting the answers, but also his way of sharing what he has: Life, finite, but beautiful, and it's most amazing aspect: the ability to create new Life. God has made us exactly in his image, if this is the case: little gods who come from and go to oblivion, passing life on to more little gods....and if this life is a true reflection of Gods (I hope it isn't) then who are we to complain at its brevity? Should a millionaire spend all his time being depressed that he can never be the richest person in the Universe? Should someone with 70 years hate his 70 years because of the one who has millions? Or even IF that one has infinite resources of time, should we then feel that our life is less precious? Who knows whether we have more life to come, I hope we do, the Bible seems to say we do, I hope EVERYONE does, but at the moment I'm glad for this little bit of Life, all thoughts of the annulling creature Death to one side...
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