Sunday, November 28, 2004

ABC/Twinkle twinkle...

Joni can put Two or Three words together, and make sense, which I think is really amazing. What's more amazing though, and she's only started doing it so well this past week, is that she can sing - it's either the ABC song ("ABCD, EFG,...", or "twinkle twinkle little star", the first two bars are the same) - 14 notes of a song, the first two bars of it! She's pitch perfect, even though she sings gibberish. And it's infuriating, every time I go to record her singing, she won't do it, or half sings the song...I will manage it though, and post it up here when I do!

We went to "Pets at home" on Teesside park today, Joni loved seeing all the animals, but I really think they cram too many birds into those huge cages, some of them were just hovering because there was nowhere to land! Well it wasn't that bad, but it was bad. We bought a fish-tank for a goldfish, now (we didn't know) we have to prepare the water (dechlorinate it etc) for the fish before they let us buy one! Makes you wonder, the water we drink not being fit for a fish to swim in. And what about all these fairgrounds handing out goldfish as prizes? Do they ask to see proof that you have a ready prepared fishtank of declorinated water waiting at home for it? I bet that's how they make their money, because not many people would have that sort of proof on them! The scoundrels... ;-)


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